DARPA Continues Human Experiments to Create Military Super Soldiers

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has a $2 billion yearly budget for research into creating a super solider as well as developing a synthetic police force. Working with the human genome, DARPA hopes to manipulate certain gene expressions. In experimentation, DARPA and the military industrial pharmaceutical complex are using natural abilities that are…

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Social Media, Smartphones and Police Create a Stasi Web of Surveillance

Twitter has released a report confirming that the US government leads the world in requesting information on their citizens. The Transparency Report shows the US government has made requests that are infringing on American privacy rights. Twitter states that “we’ve received more government requests in the first half of 2012, as outlined in this initial dataset, than in the…

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Optical Illusion of the Globalists: Al-Qaeda Attacking US Embassies Across the World

On September 15th, Obama stated in his weekly address that the US “must also send a clear and resolute message to the world: those who attack our people will find no escape from justice.” Obama asserts that: “We are in contact with governments around the globe, to strengthen our cooperation, and underscore that every nation has a responsibility to…

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Bernanke’s Stimulus Simply Following Global Elite’s Directives to Implode the US Dollar

According to the Census Bureau, 15% of the US population descended into poverty in 2011. That amounts to 46 million Americans at or below the poverty threshold with an average household income of $23,200.00 annually for a family of four. Socialist programs like social security benefits assured that 21 million people were kept out of poverty. At…

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