Civil War Declared in Syria, Globalist’s Formula for WW III Begins

The Syrian opposition is doing a fine job as directed by the CIA. The connection between these “rebels” and the US government is uncanny. Mainstream media has downplayed the Western intervention into the Syrian conflict, referring to them as “pro-democracy campaigners” without admitting their political agendas or ties.

The same champions of former President G.W. Bush’s invasion of Iraq are cheering on the sidelines, waiting for Obama’s unconstitutional declaration of war in Syria.

Speaking for the Syrian National Council (SNC) is Bassma Kodmani, who was an attendee at the Bilderberg Meeting this year in Chantilly, Virginia. The SNC have had the closest contact to Obama’s administration and called specifically for US forces to militarily strike Syria early on in the conflict.

Kodmani has declared: “No dialogue with the ruling regime is possible. We can only discuss how to move on to a different political system.” She also has stated: “The next step needs to be a resolution under Chapter VII, which allows for the use of all legitimate means, coercive means, embargo on arms, as well as the use of force to oblige the regime to comply.”

The NATO forces or “armed peacekeepers” have been waiting in the wings for their direction to attack.

Over 10,000 men armed with “highly-sophisticated weapons, including anti-tank missiles” entered into Syria to assist in the conflict and bloodshed. These trained terrorists took up positions in the suburban areas while other armed groups attacked Assad’s military.

In Turkey, while the CIA trains oppositional forces against Assad, there has developed an element of instability within the Kurds against Erdogan, who supports the CIA operatives.

Through Palestinian Intelligence sources, Turkey provided evidence that Erdogan had direct involvement in the Gaza Flotilla killings. These murders aided the Turkish Muslim Brotherhood who was opposed to military action against Syria.

Could the same forces who have orchestrated uprisings in the Middle East as so-called “Arab Springs” be planning another in Turkey?

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has admitted involvement with the “ Arab Reform Initiative ” (ARI) and the US/Middle East Project that is a consortium of senior diplomats, intelligence officers and financiers that are directed to control regional “policy analysis” to ensure conflict while purporting stability.

To finance the forced regime change in Syria, the CFR has employed the Centre for European Reform (CER), while using advise from Peter Sutherland from Goldman Sachs.

Advisers to the project include:

• Brent Scowcroft, former US National Security adviser
• Zbigniew Brzezinski, influential to Obama’s rise to presidency
• George Soros, providing monies from his Open Society Foundation
• Charles Grant, former defense editor of the Economist

Now the Red Cross has declared that civil war is officially sited as Homs and Hama are noted as war zones. This means that combatants are subject to the Geneva Conventions and possibly be tried as war criminals in international court.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is beginning talks with Russia and China in an attempt to coerce them into supporting the pending military strike against Syria. The US, the UN, and Israel are gathering up forces and making ready for the war they have been planning on for quite some time.

The UN has been frustrated with Russia’s continued blockade of resolutions with the ultimate intervention of UN NATO forces against Assad. An anonymous diplomat admits: “the problem here is Russia.”

By declaring civil war in Syria, Assad could, and most likely will, be charged and tried for war crimes. Mohamad Bazzi, adjunct for the CFR, remarked: “Most of the scenarios are really frightening and just lead to more brutality by the regime and more of a counterattack by the opposition. The regime still hasn’t been weakened to the degree where they can be overrun.”

Bazzi claims the declaration of civil war will do little to change the situation. “The regime already opened themselves up to that months ago, and they’ve been rather disdainful of any kind of international accountability for what they’ve done. On the whole, the observer mission has not been particularly successful. It’s something for the UN to focus on but it’s sort of a sideshow.”

As the UN Security Council voices concerns that Russia will come to Assad’s defense if and when military strike occurs, the UN has stated that “we really need to decide if we are prepared to take action . . . We should be supporting the opposition, with weapons, ammunition, training and intelligence – now.”