Trump’s Immigrant VOICE Program is Straight Out of Nazi Germany’s Playbook

Donald Trump’s Joint Address confirmed that his administration is poised to create and maintain a list of crimes perpetrated by “immigrants”, which was part of the first round of executive orders signed during his first week in office. Trump said: “I have ordered the Department of Homeland Security to create an office to serve American Victims. The office…

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Flint Officials Hold Secret Meeting to Deal with Lead Contaminated Water

Flint, Michigan has high levels of lead in their tap water which is an issue for children, according to governmental health officials and doctors. The Greater Flint Health Coalition (GFHC) and Flint Mayor Dayne Walling collaborated in private on a resolution about the safety of public municipal water and how to “alter the public to potential risks of consuming…

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Death Toll Rises: Did Bill Gates & UK Pay For Sterilizations in India?

Government-funded sterilization surgeries performed in India has resulted in the deaths of 13 women and left 52 other in critical condition because of efforts to “help slow the country’s population growth”. It is presumed that because of “sterilization quotas” in India these women were victims of “health authorities [pressuring] patients into [sterilization] surgery rather than advising them…

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Military Study: Climate Change Will Cause Civil Unrest

Alarmists and eco-fascists predict that man-made global warming “could have a profound impact on national security, both in the United States and abroad.” The threat of “natural disasters occurring on an unprecedented scale” could lead to “disrupted migration, food and water shortages, and other public health crises.” The Department of Defense (DoD) created the Minerva Imitative (MI)…

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