Earlier this week, the CIA-sponsored hacker group called Anonymous claimed responsibility for the taking down of hosting provider GoDaddy and several websites hosted by this corporation. This nameless, faceless group took down the Domain Name System (DNS) while a currently undetermined number of customers were affected.
Some of the websites taken down belonged to towns, cities, private businesses, and real estate agencies. The branch of the fake-hacker group calling themselves AnonymousOwn3r, claimed the attack, yet did not disclose their motive other than stating that this was a test of GoDaddy’s security systems.
AnonymousOwn3r said he is the “security leader of #Anonymous.” He goes on to say in an earlier tweet that he was “behind many things such like irc, ops, attacks [sic].”
Customers of GoDaddy have reacted with anger. On a blog, there is a call for a class-action lawsuit against the hosting company for monetary loss due to the hacker’s success.
The mainstream media is suggesting that Anonymous is retaliating against the SOPA and PIPA bills that were shelved months ago. GoDaddy was in support of the SOPA legislation. Yet, the truth about the agenda behind the takedown was admitted by AnonymousOwn3r who stated: “I’m taking godaddy down [because] well i’d like to test how the cyber security is safe and for more reasons that i cannot talk now.”
In late July, a compromised version of the Cybersecurity Act of 2012 was introduced to the Senate was introduced. The Congress voted down the legislation despite the Obama administration’s coercion to have it passed.
At the time no threat had manifested. In response, President Obama stated that: “. . . foreign governments, criminal syndicates and lone individuals are probing our financial, energy and public safety systems every day. It would be the height of irresponsibility to leave a digital backdoor wide open to our cyber adversaries.”
According to Jay Carney, White House Press Secretary, Obama may just write an executive order to ensure his cybersecurity agenda is implemented. “In the wake of Congressional inaction and Republican stall tactics, unfortunately, we will continue to be hamstrung by outdated and inadequate statutory authorities that the legislation would have fixed. Moving forward, the President is determined to do absolutely everything we can to better protects our nation against today’s cyber threats and we will do that.”
Carney emphasized that Obama is focused on “protecting vital computer systems”. Since Obama’s coercion did not work on Congress, he could bypass Congress (as he has done several times before in this administration). Claiming “we can’t wait”, Obama could enact any or all of the provisions in the Cybersecurity Act of 2012 by EO. And this would enable federal agencies to regulate any authorities needed to take-over the free flow of information on the internet in the name of protecting the private corporate sector.
Obama’s infamous actions to circumvent the Congress by signing a plethora of executive orders would be considered business as usual when forcing a cybersecurity control through after being voted down by Capitol Hill.
The Obama administration wants to create a government program that “protects” the US digital infrastructure while empowering the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to define standards that corporations would “voluntarily adopt to better protect banks, telecommunication networks and the U.S. power grid from electronic attacks.”
The Cybersecurity Council will be established to mitigate risks to corporations.
Under presidential declaration, the “cyber threat is one of the most serious economic and national security challenges we face as a nation” and “America’s economic prosperity in the 21st century will depend on cybersecurity.”
In an executive inspired report entitled the Cyberspace Policy Review, Obama has created the Cybersecurity office that works within the National Security Staff oversees the control over broadband networks that collaborate with all forms of infrastructure; including classified military intelligence, the internet, local schools and hospitals and domestic businesses.
By seizing control over our digital communications, under the guise of protecting America against cyber threats, information must be shared between “network operators and defenders, law enforcement and intelligence agencies, and emergency management officials in the Federal, State, local, and tribal governments, private industry, and allied governments.”
Under Obama’s watchful eye, all digital communications will be syphoned through the Cybersecurity office where it will be monitored for national security threats. A pre-determined “cybersecurity incident response” will be disseminated to facilitate public-private partnerships. Technological advances within the private sector will be used for federal enhancement of strategic management to ensure cybersecurity threats are established and properly dealt with.
However, power grids, public water systems and other critical infrastructure are not connected to the internet. Yet the DHS would have propaganda abound that claims the government’s exposure to cyber-attacks will allow for the possible hijacking of our power grids, water filtration facilities and nuclear power plants.
Back in March, DHS, the FBI and Obama administration officials demonstrated for Senators a fake take-down of US infrastructure to coerce them into supporting the Cybersecurity Act of 2012. The focus of the fake attacks were US banks, power grids and telecommunications systems.
Edward Amoroso, chief security officer for Dallas-based AT&T, said in testimony at the hearing, “Such requirements could have an unintended stifling effect on making real cyber security improvements. Cyber adversaries are dynamic and increasingly sophisticated, and do not operate under a laboriously defined set of rules or processes.”
When committing a false flag operation, the concept of a cyber-attack is the perfect way to cause pandemonium from oil spills, destroying generators, derailing trains, causing commercial plane crashes, and wiping out financial data.
In response the US government will spend an estimated $10.5 billion annually on intelligence on citizens within the domestic US; while the international cost to taxpayers would be $140 billion a year.
Not only is this about control over the internet through false flag attacks by the government-controlled hacker group Anonymous to justify the need for a cybersecurity bill, this new control system will restrict the free flow of information on the Web as well as give the US government the over-reaching power to infiltrate our private lives.
When America’s ability to share information and expose the US government’s tyrannical destruction of our Constitutional freedoms is cut from us, they will have no other threat to speak of . . . other than to maintain their control with the inception of encompassing Big Brother controls that rival anything imagined by Orwell’s 1984.