The UN will unveil its plans for the new “green economy” at the conference on “Sustainable Development” (UN CSD or Rio+20) in Rio de Janeiro this year. The UN plans to reshape global society, the world’s economy and give itself new encompassing powers that will march the international body toward one world governance.
The UN will disburse a global carbon tax, redistribute the world’s wealth and install programs that will place all issues concerning humanity, poverty, the securitization of resources and education under its control and command.
They want to oversee all aspects of human activity as part of their social re-engineering.
The UN published a paper entitled “Working towards a Balanced and Inclusive Green Economy: A United Nations System-wide Perspective” where they outline their agenda. More than 35 UN agencies and international institutions were employed to create this document. They functioned under the title, the UN “Environmental Management Group” (UNEMG).
This conference spawned the infamous Agenda 21.
The document by UNEMG discusses “transitioning to a green economy” that demands a “shift in the way we think and act”. They want to use education, information and “awareness” to “change individual and collective behavior”. They also want to take a concerted look at the “lifestyles in developed countries” to alter “consumption and production patterns”.
The cost of the UN’s takeover of global society will cost humanity trillions of dollars. To pay for their one world government, the UN plans to impose increases on consumer prices of food, energy, and housing; just to name a few.
They will force ecological taxes to steer large amounts of money into funds designed to redesign humanity, civilization and the planet – and fit them all into their mold. A carbon cap-and-trade tax system for industrial countries could yield $250 billion per year.
They also want to take in investment monies to mandate new public policies, regulation and propose incentives “by fundamentally restructuring public spending and leveraging private investments towards environmental and social investments, indebted industrial countries can expect to find new growth paths that support fiscal consolidation while contributing to a green economy.”
The price tag of $1 trillion per year is an estimation. As more programs like agriculture and industry are “greened”, the total cost of the global governance could rise to double the estimate. Through direct spending and wealth redistribution, they plan to control other populations with economic devastation within “developed” countries.
To keep their efforts “under the radar”, they will assist the IMF and World Bank in the creation of a world currency so that financing their scheme will be easier. The UN wants to invest in a global authority, liken to a world police, for the purpose of making sure they are not caught.
Through the IMF, a preliminary global currency will be a culmination of several existing fiat currencies. The eventual replacement of the US dollar as the global reserve currency by this new world currency would take the agreement of nation’s leaders to use only this money and not their own.
“In addition, there is a need to identify and develop new sources of international funds at scale that support the global transition towards a green economy. Efforts need to be made to explore the potential for an innovative use of Special Drawing Rights (SDR), international reserve assets, and pools of concentrated assets to serve the aim of financing green economy investments with attractive social as well as private returns and increasing the provision of global public goods.”
The “UN entities need to scale up support for education” and “culture must be an integrated part of a green economy transition.” They will use the threat of man-made climate change as a way to scare the populations into submission. The science behind this lie proving otherwise is irrelevant to the UN as they want to re-educate the children.
“Climate change education is a particularly important part of quality education.” The UN educational scheme “provides people at all levels of education, in particular, youth, with the skills, competencies, and knowledge needed to prepare for green jobs and to change unsustainable consumption and production patterns.”
They will infiltrate “all levels of education . . . in particular youth, with the skills, competencies, and knowledge needed to prepare for green jobs and to change unsustainable consumption and production patterns.”
A resource for the masses will be the “communication and media, including the generation of information on sustainable use of resources for poverty reduction and access to such information is also important.”
The UN likens poverty to “sustainable development”. “Poverty reduction policies should be formulated with a view to encouraging sustainable consumption and production patterns and establishing a green path for future development.”
A creation of welfare programs to deal with the devastation to lives will have to be devoted as “Measures to support the most vulnerable groups such as access to a social protection floor and social safety nets are essential to achieve social inclusion, to deal with the restructuring towards a greener economy, and to adapt to climate change. Coherence between social, environmental, and economic policies is needed to maximize opportunities and buffer the social cost of the transition. A transition to a green economy needs to project a vision of a greener as well as a fairer economy and society.”
The UN System Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) will oversee the economic “growth” of the global body while their expectations include worldwide devastation camouflaged as “sustainability”.